英文文章的风格要简洁,作者要的表达要言简意赅。 这一原则最经典的表述可以看William Strunk Jr.和E.B. White合著的名作《The Elements of Style》(《英文写作要义》)
“Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.” 译文见我的《英语写作精要》译本)
冗余词可以出现在语言的任何部分:名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、冠词等。 在接下来的章节中,我们从彼此密切相关的名词和动词开始,并重点关注最重要的它们的类型。有两部分,第11章,分别是:不必要的名词和动词;一个不必要的修饰符;同义词混合;同义反复;重复引用;杂项;代词和先行词;短语和从句错位;悬挂组件;平行结构;逻辑连词。
中式英语中最常见的冗余名词不是单独存在的,而是以带冠词和介词的短语形式出现。 如果要删除这些名词,也应删除所附的冠词和介词。
其中许多名词很容易识别。 由于它们的含义已经被句子的其他元素所包含或表达,它们显然是多余的。 这里有一些名词冗余的例子,A 为原句,B 为修订版。
A: to accelerate the pace of economic reform
B: to accelerate economic reform(“to accelerate”本身就有加快节奏之意=“to increase the pace of”)
A: these hardships are temporary in nature
B: these hardships are temporary
准确地说,任何形容词都描述了被修饰名词的“性质”或“特征”。 使用“temporary in nature”的结构就像说“red in color”或者说是熊猫“few in number”,而后面不加in color或者 in number这样的结构, 我们也知道red是用来修饰颜色的,而few则是用于修饰数量,不必再画蛇添足。
A: the development of our economy in the future will, to a large extent, depend on……
B: the development of our economy will depend to a large extent on……“will depend”这一动词将来式本身就足以表达句子的将来语气)
A: we should adopt a series of measures to ensure that……
B: we should adopt measures to ensure that……measures这一名词复数形式已经有“a series of”一系列之意)
其他名词或动名词的冗余并不那么容易发现。 但如果我们稍微注意一下它们,就会发现它们对句子的表达没有实质性的贡献。 当去掉这些名词或动名词时,句子的意思并没有受到损害,反而更加清晰。
A: following the realization of mechanization and electrification of agriculture
B: following the mechanization and electrification of agriculture
A: it is essential to strengthen the building of national defense
B: it is essential to strengthen national defense
A: these constitute important conditions in striving for the fulfillment of the general task in the transition period
B: these are important conditions for fulfilling the general task in the transition period
A: at that time the situation in northeast China was still one where the enemy was stronger than the people’s forces
B: at that time the enemy was still stronger than the people’s forces in northeast China
“situation”是一个特别危险的名词。 一般来说,它不仅是一个不必要的名词,而且还经常涉及其他不必要的元素,例如在这种情况下的’one where’
A: the key to the solution lies in the curtailment of expenditure
B: the solution is to curtail(or: cut back on)expenditure
名词“key”有时非常有用,但通常可以删除。 像“situation”一样,它通常涉及冗余,如在这种情况下“lies in”
A: the inner-Party democracy is a subject that has been discussed in detail
B: the inner-Party democracy has been discussed in detail
三、类名词(category nouns)
应注意一种特殊类型的名词,因为它是中式英语中最常见的冗余词。 具体来说,类名词是指出现在特定名词或动名词之前的词的总称,例如:a serious mistake in the work of planning。
在这个结构中,第一个名词表示第二个名词的类别,旨在向读者揭示“planning”应归类为“work”。 既然读者心知肚明,就应该删掉第一个词,把原句改为“a serious mistake in planning.”。
A: promoting the cause of peaceful reunification
B: promoting peaceful reunification
A: reforms in the sphere of economy
B: reforms in the economy或者economic reforms
A: to ensure a relationship of close cooperation between……
B: to ensure close cooperation between……
无论什么功能类名词在中文中使用,它们在英文中都是多余的,因为它们除了增加句子的长度外没有实际意义。 因此,学生在写论文时应注意这些问题。
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